• Cloud controller plasma có thể chạy được với các model wifi open mesh


    plasma cloud are a team of former Open Mesh engineers, some of whom started with Open Mesh since the very early days, but decided to leave the company during the time of the Datto acquisition.



    To make the transition from Cloudtrax as easy as possible, the following features are already available in the beta version:

    • Import of Cloudtrax networks with settings, APs and Splashpages
    • Support of Open Mesh hardware on Plasma Cloud after firmware upgrade
      (currently: OM2P, OM2P-HS, MR1750, A42, A62, S8, S8-L, S24, S24-L, S48; planned): OM5P-AC, A40, A60)
    • Grouping of networks in organizations managed under the same account
    • Simple network overview with map
    • Detailed APs and client tables sortable by SSID & time period
    • Interactive APs and client traffic diagrams that can show the usage behavior of the data in the last month.
    • Real-time AP online/offline status reports
    • Splashpage Editor
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